Obstacles Are Nothing More Than Illusions
By Michael A. Verdicchio
An illusion is an erroneous perception of reality or an erroneous concept or
belief. An optical illusion is an optical phenomenon that results in a false or
deceptive visual impression. Optical illusions are a lot like what I call,
"obstacle illusions."
For example, when you look down railroad tracks, what do you see? The farther
down the tracks you look, the closer the two tracks appear to become. Despite
the fact they appear to touch at one point, we all know that in actuality, they
do not.
Anyone who is not convinced of this can simply walk down those tracks for awhile
and discover for themselves that those tracks do not become physically any
closer to each other. It's an optical illusion: a false or deceptive visual
impression. It is something we see with our eyes that is really not true to
Now, when I say "obstacle illusion," I mean an obstacle that gives you an
erroneous perception of reality. An obstacle is simply something that opposes,
or stands in the way, or holds up progress. Far too many Christian salespeople
allow obstacles to stop them completely.
Suppose you were on a trip from one city to another and came across some road
construction that closed the road you intended to take. Does that obstacle mean
that the trip is over? Do you just give up, turn around and go home? If you were
to view that obstacle as ending your trip, I would call that an obstacle
Why? It's because your entire trip doesn't have to end just because of a road
closure. You may have to take a detour and go a little out of your way. You may
not get there as quickly as you anticipated. You may not get to see the scenery
you had hoped to see along the way. However, the trip does not have to be over.
You can still get to your destination.
When it comes to life there are many obstacle illusions that just stop Christian
salespeople cold in their tracks. A little roadblock pops up and, so often,
people quit; they abandon their dreams and desires.
There will always be obstacles that pop up, however, regardless of the obstacle,
what is most important is how you choose to see it. If you see it for what it
is, just an obstacle, something that is only standing in the way, something that
is just holding up progress, then that's fine. Ask for God's help to figure out
what your next step will be.
You can be so determined to succeed that no matter what obstacle comes up, you
are not going to be stopped in your endeavors. If you instead quit and throw in
the towel, well, you've succumbed to an obstacle illusion.
One night many years ago, one of Thomas Edison's laboratories burned to the
ground. The following morning, some of Mr. Edison's associates came to tell him
about the fire. They were distraught and felt helpless. They told him how
terrible it was, how that many of their experiments were lost, and they just
didn't know what to do. His associates asked, "What should we do, Mr. Edison?"
Edison wanted to go take a look for himself.
It is reported that his laboratory at that time was worth over a million
dollars, and he did not have insurance to cover the loss. After reviewing the
damage, he turned to the men and said, "Let's clear it away and build a new
Successful Christian salespeople don't quit and throw in the towel. No matter
what obstacle you are faced with, don't focus on the obstacle, but instead look
for the solution.
Stay focused and determined, because with God's help, there is no obstacle
illusion that can stop you.