It Changed My Life!
By Michael A. Verdicchio
You've probably heard people tell you, "It changed my life!" You may have heard
commercials promise, "It will change your life!" Someone once even told me that
a movie changed her life!
A number of years ago, a young lady told me that the movie she had recently seen
changed her life. I thought that it must be a pretty powerful movie if it was
actually changing people's lives - what I didn't realize at the time was that in
fact, there isn't a single movie ever made that has the power to change your
As a matter of fact, there is no book, no course, no quote, no, not even a movie
that can change your life. You may be inspired and motivated by something you
hear, read, or see, and as a result, you may decide to change the way you think.
When you decide to change what you are thinking, that is when your life will
start to change.
There is no person or thing that is ever going to change your life except you.
Yes, you!
You can change your life! That's not just some positive reinforcement statement
to give you some courage to try. The reason you can do it is because of how the
Creator designed our brains to work.
It is no secret that there are some Christians who are successful and there are
some Christians who are not. Is that just fate or chance, or as some would have
you to believe, predestination? Are some Christians just destined to succeed,
while others are destined to fail? Does God love some of His children more than
others? No! No! No!
As hard as it may be to face it, your current situations and circumstances are
directly related to your own thoughts. You may not be all too thrilled about
where your life is right now. But just as your thoughts got you where you are
today, it will be your thoughts, and your thoughts alone, that will determine
where your life will be tomorrow.
Far too many Christians just float through life. They take what comes at them
and just hope for the best. It is sad that so many Christians simply do not take
charge of their lives. You really can take charge of your life by taking charge
of your thoughts.
Have you noticed that people who are consistently negative think totally
different thoughts than people who are consistently positive? And have you
noticed that the results in their lives are also completely different? Is that
just an amazing coincidence? No.
What about goals? Some Christians reach their goals and others do not. Are those
who reach their goals just lucky? Do you often wonder just what is going on in
their brains? Well, what's going on in your brain? That is critically important
because it will determine your success or failure.
If you don't like where your life is right now, start changing your thoughts. It
may take a little effort and you may feel awkward at first. However, be assured
that just as the law of gravity works for every person who tries it, our brains
work with the same accurate precision.
We are all a product of our own thoughts. So, if you are waiting for some
special course, or a dynamic book, or even a movie to change your life, you'll
be waiting a lifetime.
I am highly in favor of motivation and inspiration products. They can help you
by pointing you in the right direction. They can show you how to think
successful thoughts. They can also show you where your thoughts are defeating
you. However, no one can think your thoughts except you. And that takes a
deliberate decision on your part.
If you are going to be a successful Chistian in every area of your life then you
need to put off negative defeating thoughts and choose to think the right
thoughts. The right thoughts are what God's Word says.
For example, God's Word says that as a Christian you are righteous, lovely and
acceptable in His sight. How do feel about that? If you think less of yourself
than what the Bible says, you will not manifest all the greatness that God would
have you manifest in your life.
Make the right decisions to think the right thoughts and you will indeed change
your life!